Monday, January 23, 2012

2012 - Start with Love End with Joy

"Love yourself first, 
            and everything else falls into line."  
                                                                                                      - Lucille Ball

Let's start 2012 with a promise to love ourselves, like Lucille Ball's quote states, "Love yourself first, and everything else falls into line."  

How much love are you giving to YOURSELF..... be HONEST?
Many of us stand before witnesses and promise to "love, honor, and respect" our partner but do we do the same for ourselves? 
Loving ourselves is not a selfish act, it's a self-full act making small deposits to your bank account, you are making/creating deposits so when others need to make a withdrawal you have something to give...I believe Oprah said something along these lines once (I can't take credit for this).

Let's support each other along this journey of self-love!

Stand in front of that mirror, look yourself in the eyes and say out loud, "I love, honor, and respect you!"  Don't one can hear or see need to feel silly!
Then do some inventory to figure out ways to daily give more love to YOURSELF so you can love those in your life with a joy filled heart!

Today I will take time to get onto the treadmill and exercise for 40 minutes....
What will you do today to love, honor, and respect yourself so you have more joy in your life....?

Today I will _______________________.

Live in Joy - Lisa


  1. Thank you Lisa for writing about such a meaningful subject. It was the perfect thing to read this morning after a long week of deposits being withdrawn as I was giving to the family all week during this crazy storm. This week I will build back up my reserve. Today I will workout while listening to music.

  2. Even my husband, who is not terribly perceptive noticed that when I get into my "whirlwind mode" I don't take the time to take care of myself. That, combined with being my own harshest critic doesn't make for much self love... thanks for the reminder!

  3. I know that can get caught up in the many roles I play and I notice I don't feel's hard to remember to care for ourselves when there is so much to tend to in our every day lives.

    Way to go working out Jocelyn!

  4. My dear Friend Lisa- You are one of the most inspiring women I know. I miss Visiting with you..Today I will contact Lisa =) your friend Felicia

  5. Felicia...Miss you friend...glad you liked the message of this blog..:)
